At Plezi, we believe that what makes the company’s strength is the team that supports it on a daily basis and the values it shares. Discover the history of the company and its teams here!
About Plezi
Founded in 2015 by Charles Dolisy and Renaud de Lacotte, Plezi is France’s first truly automated SaaS (Software as a Service) marketing automation solution!

Born of a previous adventure, the Plezi story began in 2015.
Charles Dolisy and Renaud De Lacotte were looking for a marketing automation solution to increase their number of leads and bring them to maturity. The proposed solutions were too complex to implement, with too many features and required too many resources. Unable to find a solution that met their expectations, they set about developing their ideal solution.
And that’s when Plezi was born!
Since then, Plezi has grown!
We now have over 400 corporate customers. Our latest round of funding enables us to accelerate our development in France and abroad. To do so, we are recruiting and structuring the team needed to support our growth, with priority given to the deployment of a UK marketing team. The next step will be to open the service in the United States!
What motivates us?
Existing automation solutions were automatic in name only, and required significant amount of resources. Scoring rules were too complex to define, and workflows too time-consuming to implement and maintain. In short, we wanted to generate more leads, qualify them better and support our growth, in a simple way. So we needed a pragmatic solution that could be deployed quickly.
Marketers need to spend time understanding their prospects and customers, and providing them with the right content. It’s hard to predict a prospect’s behavior in a scenario.
With Plezi, marketers put content at the heart of their strategy, and let our algorithms create a scenario for each prospect. No more wasted time, and intelligent scenarios at last!
And what about today?
+ de 400
satisfied customers
of customer satisfaction
Our culture
At Plezi, we believe that what makes the company’s strength is the team that supports it on a daily basis and the values it shares.
Together to go even further
A single person is nimble and capable of great individual achievements. But together, we can go where we could never have imagined going alone. The beauty is in what we build together.
Quick like MacGyver
Aside from his incredible good looks, the reason we admire MacGyver is his resourcefulness. His ability to use what’s at hand to do great things. Be clever and tenacious.
Proud of what we achieve
Performance isn’t the only indicator that strikes a chord with us! We like to value the contribution of each member of the group, because in business, we never move forward alone.
Humains first
In a world where technology is taking up more and more space, it’s important to keep the human aspect at the heart of our approach. Whether employee or customer, at Plezi we’re not just numbers or tasks to be done!
Looking beyond the numbers
In life, we have the choice between doing things from the heart or simply out of necessity. Only one of these choices will bring you real pride in the long term: the choice to invest oneself fully, from the heart! Then we can only be proud of our achievement and want to put our signature on it.
Mitch, the French marketing superhero who has conquered the world
Every year, the Plezi teams take their mascot Mitch to the four corners of the globe. Check out his vacation photos here!